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Why Do People Become Gluten Intolerant?


why do people become gluten intolerant

There are a lot of people out there that debate whether or not people are going to actually be able to become gluten intolerant as they get older. Or, is it a case where there are actually other things going on that make it so that you can’t eat gluten like you used to?

This is a question that has only recently been answered, and researchers are still looking deeper into this unique and frustrating problem.

In this post, we’re going to take a good look at some of the main things that can happen to make it so that you get gluten intolerance or celiac disease when you’re an adult, instead of dealing with it for your entire life.


This is actually the biggest reason that you are going to end up with celiac disease and/or gluten intolerance. Why?

Because it’s something that is in our genetic code. When you take a look at all of the different things that your body takes in on a regular basis, you usually know about your allergies from a young age.

There are even studies out there that are getting to a point where you can know exactly what your child is allergic to, so you don’t have to try and find it out the hard way when they eat it.

Gluten allergies are really no difference, so it’s vital that you look into things when your child is young so you have an idea as to what they may be dealing with.

That being said, all of the other reasons that we have listed in this article build upon this. There are very few cases of people where they just got it suddenly without already having something in their genetic code that is going to make it that way anyway.

We’re going to talk about a few of the triggers that will make the genetic code “register” the allergy and have it come out and start becoming a huge problem in the long run.

Trauma or Illness During Pregnancy

One of the biggest issues that triggers a gluten allergy in children is if the mother has some sort of trauma or illness during their pregnancy.

Once again, it would have to be in the genetic code in the first place, but there are some illnesses that can push it forward and make it so that the child is gluten intolerant the minute that they come out of the womb.

If you have one of these diseases, or you’ve become sick while you’re pregnant, you will want to check with your doctor in order to make sure that you’re going to be able to monitor your child as things go on.

Even though you can’t prevent the disease, you can know about it before it makes your child severely ill.

Illness Later on in Life

In some cases, your own illness later on in life can actually make it apparent that you have a gluten allergy.

This is especially common when you’re looking at things like Crohn’s disease and other gastrointestinal disorders that will make it difficult for you to eat in the first place.

Many allergies and issues come up after that sort of thing happens, so it’s really not surprising that a gluten allergy or sensitivity would come up during that same period of time.

If you start to notice that you’re having issues with certain foods after a gastrointestinal disorder, talk to your doctor and see what you should do in order to try and alleviate the frustration and stress that can come as a result of all of those problems in the long run.

“Growing Into It”

In many cases, there are a lot of different issues that can come up, but what about the people that avoid them?

If you’ve got it in your genetics, like we’ve talked about above, you’re going to be much more likely to go ahead and get that intolerance as you get older.

It could have absolutely no trigger at all, and you just start to have problems out of nowhere.

This is usually what happens, which is why a lot of people believe that it “just happens” instead of being something that is developing and brewing in their system for an extended period of time.

Testing may make this a little more understandable as time goes on, but until those methods are perfected, we will have to be careful and watch our diets.

In short, the cases where you’re going to get gluten intolerance without having it in your genetic code are actually quite uncommon.

While it can happen, it’s more likely that you’re going to be in a spot where you end up just “getting it” instead of having some huge trigger that makes it worse for you in the long run.

If you start to notice that you’re fighting off problems related to eating gluten, make an appointment with your doctor to get a better idea as to what you should do and how you should take care of yourself.

If you’re worried that there are some issues, or you want to make sure to prevent it from happening, you may be trying to look into some of the alternatives that you can consider and look at.

So, some people suggest that it’s a good idea for you to go ahead and eliminate gluten from your diet before it becomes a problem.

Talk to your doctor before you make any changes to your diet and to make sure that you’re going about it in the right way.

They can give you guidance that will help you to feel a bit more secure in the decisions that you are making about your diet.

Then, see how much better your health will be when you’re able to go ahead and prevent the issues that can often come along when you’re not able to process gluten or do other things.



The Rise Of Gluten Intolerance

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